Sunday, July 13, 2014

Be Anxious for Nothing

I love Philippians 4, it's been too long since I meditated on it. I know because my loving husband pointed out to me that I've been irritable and a little spacey. Now ladies, don't get all bent out of shape at this, there's no sarcasm in my statement. Chad and I have an understanding. We know that often when something is wrong we don't always recognize it in ourselves until the other holds up that mirror so we can take a look. And that is what he did.

I saw that I had not been rejoicing in the Lord like I should. Not in everything. I'd been anxious, worried, selfish. (pause)

As I was typing this post last night I was interrupted by life dealing a blow to someone close to my heart. I cannot share her story with you but I can tell you my heart is breaking for her and her family. And the words "be anxious for nothing" seem even harder.

People who know me well would tell you I'm not a worrier by nature. I'm pretty easy going for the most part. I've taken to heart, Jesus' words in Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. To me this means don't worry about the "what if's" which I usually have under control, not always but usually. But I'm also not wonder woman and today's stuff on top of yesterday's stuff bothers me. 

So what do I do when there is trouble today? And yesterday's trouble followed me into today. How do I go about "being anxious for nothing"? 

Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Aahh, there it is, I feel better just typing the words. There's so much in those two little verses, God tells us how to "be anxious for nothing". 

1. Prayer: 'An earnest request or wish'1
2. Supplication: 'To ask humbly of' or 'seeking, asking, entreating God'3
3. Thanksgiving: 'A prayer expressing gratitude'4

So to keep worry at bay we should earnestly, humbly, with gratitude seek God and ask God. There's a promise attached. If we will humbly - without pride - seek God, thank God, ask God, praise God; God in return will guard our hearts first and our minds with His peace. A peace so profound, we can't even understand it, and He does all this through His Son, Jesus Christ. 

Notice how it doesn't say run to your friend and tell them all your doesn't say allow your mind to try to come up with a million and one ways to solve your problems on your doesn't say slap on a smile and tell everyone nothing is doesn't say go to the doctor and get a prescription...every other ad on tv...No, it says says be says SEEK says ASK GOD! This takes time. This takes commitment, this takes intention. We must make time to pray. Don't try to find time as if it were something you lost. Pastor Doug preached on this today. He said take your schedule to God and He'll show you what to cross off your to do list. We've all got things on our list that are so much less important than our peace. Just think of all the time we would have if we found the peace the Lord has promised instead of spending all that time worrying, complaining, and problem solving without God. He's very efficient you know, He made everything in a week, I'm sure He can help us find 15 minutes here to thank Him and 20 minutes there to seek His peace.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

August 2013 Ames, IA

1 "Prayer" July 12, 2014
2 "Supplication" July 12, 2014
3 "Supplication" July 12, 2014
4 "Thanksgiving" July 13, 2014

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