Thursday, August 15, 2024

Light of the World

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12 NKJV

For many years I did not follow Jesus, even though I believed He was the Son of God, I did not follow Him. And I always had a sense of something missing inside me. I looked to the world to fill up that empty place, with relationships, with food, with drink, with work, with knowledge, but none of those things filled the empty hole inside me. Then I had a dream where Jesus said to me, "whomsoever believeth in me shall never die". That dream awoke a desire in me to follow Jesus. You know, you can't follow someone without looking at them. So I opened the Word of God and vowed within myself to read the Word everyday. I came to realize, that empty place inside me, the black hole, was the space only the light of Jesus can fill. 

Prayer for self

Jesus, shine Your light in the dark places inside me. Awaken in me the desire to follow You. You are the light of the world. When I follow You, I do not walk in darkness but have the light of life. Thank You Jesus for filling me with Your light and Your life.

Prayer for others - fill in the blank with name(s)

Jesus, give (___) a revelation that the empty and dark places inside him/her can only be filled with Your light by following You. Jesus, You are the light of the world and I pray (___) follows You and no longer walks in darkness but has the light of the world. In Jesus name, amen. 

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