Hope 4 Healing Prayer Mantle Ministry was born out of a desire to bring the love of Jesus and a faith in His healing touch to people who are suffering in a tangible way.
Rachel Cinader, President of Hope 4 Women International and affiliated charity Dress A Girl Around the World, both 401c(3) non-profits that help women and girls in impoverished nations in Uganda and the Philippines. Hope 4 Women International teaches women a trade to become self sufficient. Dress A Girl Around the world sends hand made dresses to girls around the world. Rachel was receiving emails from volunteers letting her know of medical issues that were interfering with their ability to donate their time to the cause and requesting prayers. Rachel knew I love to knit and asked if I would make a prayer shawl for one of the volunteers suffering with a serious medical condition. When I agreed, she asked if I would like to teach others to knit. And the ministry grew from there.
We are a group of Christian women who gather on Tuesday evenings to knit, crochet and teach others to knit and crochet. We pray over each project before sending it off to the recipient. Usually we make shawls but we've also made hats and lap blankets. We believe in following the leading of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We are finding the needs are great. We've given to men, women and children for a variety of reasons, not just physical health related problems. We've given to grieving widows, people struggling with drug addictions and others with mental health issues. We have volunteers who send in completed knitting projects as well. We pray over them and send a card with a prayer and scriptures to the recipients.
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