Monday, July 6, 2015

#100happydays Part 2

Day 50 of 100 Happy Days

Half way through this challenge to be happy for 100 days in a row. Looking back, this challenge has definitely been a positive one, more on that at the end. Looking ahead, I imagine it will be more challenging as the days go on. I have given myself a rule to not use the same thing twice. This has already been a challenge when I'm going about my day looking for things that make me happy.

So far my biggest challenge has been the fact that I have to photograph what made me happy that day. Some things are so fleeting. The big dog in the back seat of the mini-cooper that whizzed by on the highway. The sunset as it peeked out behind the clouds. Chad's face as he described how awful chocolate covered ginger tasted to him. The eagle that soared by. Sometimes I just forget to take a picture. I had lunch with my beloved cousin Tiffany who I rarely see any more.I guess I was too busy enjoying her company to think to take a picture.

Other things are hard to capture on film. How do I photograph the dedication of the dispatchers I work with; agreeing to work over-time so someone else can have a day off. Coming to work no matter how they feel. Filling in shifts when we are short staffed, and it seems we're always short staffed. Pushing through from one crisis to the next.

How do I capture a feeling on film. Like feeling the presence of the Lord during worship. The feeling of satisfaction knowing dispatching emergency services makes a difference in our community. The feeling of refreshment after a good nights sleep. The feeling of peace during prayer. And love, the love that comes from God, I feel His love everyday.

Maybe I just need to get more creative with my photos so you can see some of these things.

1 John 4:7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

Tell me what made you happy today?