Sunday, May 24, 2015

Where peace comes from...

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

This verse makes me happy, it gives me peace, well not the verse but the Word in action. I started meditating on this verse a few years ago. It's not a quick fix. But lets be honest 'quick fix' for the heart of man is an oxymoron because anything in life we think will help us quickly is no fix at all. It could be a band aid but  our heart's trouble will not heal themselves on their own, we need Jesus. 

This verse in action over time is a heart healer, not a quick fix because it takes time and it takes effort. But so does worry if you stop to think about how much time and energy we waste with worry and often about things that haven't even happened. This verse speaks to that worry. This is what it said to me. Oh, you are worried, well then bring that worry to the Lord. Tell Him about it, talk to Him about it and then thank Him for His solution, for His peace, for providing for your every need. Tell Him what you would like to see happen. Do this often, talk to God all the time about everything and give Him thanks all the time about everything. If you do this over time the peace with which Jesus covers our hearts and minds is indescribable joy. It is. 

Now when the enemy comes knocking, my first reaction is not worry and fear, it's to turn to the Lord, to trust the Lord. Even when the request I made to the Lord does not come immediately or at all, I still have that peace described in this verse. You see it does not say when you pray and give thanks and make your request known that you will get everything you ask for. It's not because the Lord doesn't want to give us our hearts desires when they line up with His will. Often we are asking for something that requires another person to change and He will not over ride anyone's free will to choose for themselves. That said, don't stop asking because He does nudge us, thank the Lord for my parents and others prayers to the Lord who brought me to this place of peace and joy through Christ Jesus, I would not have put my trust in Him without those nudges.

So I thank You Lord Jesus for Your peace that I don't understand but I love oh so much. It amazes me that even when I am not getting the answer I have asked for, the peace still comes. The joy still comes.